Thursday, October 11, 2007

Brief Nuts and Bolts Question

Does anybody out there in the greater blogosphere know how we're supposed to find out if people reply to our comments? I managed to find the setting where I can get email notifications if someone comments on my blog but is there any way to find out if there's a reply to a comment I make elsewhere without actually going back to the post I commented on and physically checking? It seems to me that this would make continued conversation much easier.

More than likely, this is an impossibility. But still, it never hurts to ask.


Cronehenge said...

I haven't read the instructions for anything which is typical, so I can't help you w/ nuts and bolts questions,but I wanted to tell you I really enjoy your blog. On facebook I have joined a group "I love Toast" which is for fans of Blackbird's [Blackbird Bakery] humungous toast. They have the Blackbird Logo on the group page which looks a lot like a crow to me.

I love birds of all kinds...I own a cockateil named "Lokee" who sings "Ode to Joy" and says "Hallo, Lokee" after giving me a wolf whistle, when I come in the door! [I wonder where he learned to do that]

Cronehenge said...

Maybe you could answer a question, since you've done it on your post comments. How do you answer your posts? I saw "comment moderation" page and pushed a few buttons, but I still don't seem to have it down. do you get a picture in your responses to your posts?

Yes. I'm hooked. Come back to my blog and see what's new, sometime. Your blog link is in "My favourite blogs" or something like that on my blog. Hope you don't mind. Since these things are so fluid, I want to keep up with everyones addition/changes. Take care and thanks!

Sara F. said...


Thanks very much. I've been enjoying reading your blog as well. 8)

As for replying to comment on my own blog, I post comments there the same way I do anywhere else - I just go to comment page and type in the comment box. Mine show up the same as anyone else's. (And then I get an email telling me that I've commented on my own blog. Heh.)

The crow picture, I uploaded to my profile and apparently it now shows up in the my comments. Which I'm quite pleased with, really.

Cronehenge said...

Thanks so much, Sara. As I didn't sleep lying down, sitting or standing up last night, it occured to me that you probably check your posts often and then respond. Duh. Thanks for confirming.

I think I am going to make a blog called BookBalm where we can just post and discuss the books that soothe our souls in some significant way. What do you think? Haven't checked out blog name to see if it's available, but will now.

Cronehenge said...

Wow! That didn't take long! I now have a blog called BookBalm, but don't go there as I just got the title and now have to run out the door to be shipment diva!

You warned me....

Sara F. said...


Hee! Good luck with the new blog. I'll be sure to check it out once you've got things up and running.

bear said...

One way you can check on comments, replies and new posts on other blogs (without going back to them) is to "subscribe" to the blog where you left the comment. This will let you collect all the blogs you want to follow in one place, and see at a glance when something new has been added.

Subscribing is what we'll cover in week 4 (on RSS feeds), but if you want to get an early start, you could play around with Bloglines or Google Reader.

Sara F. said...


Thanks very much for the tip. I'll have to look into that.

Constance said...

Love your blog, Sara. I followed the Hannahgrams lead and put a link to your blog in my blog. Hannahgrams, love the bookbalm idea. I was just about to write a blog entry on "comfort books." You beat me to it! Not that that'll stop me.

Constance said...

Another thought, I work in CM, and I decided to put links to my department's blogs on my blog. It would be cool to see other such bloglists--like links to Kingston blogs, for example, or Bainbridge YP, or whatever. I know, totally off the subject. Even more off subject, I like the toast at Blackbird, too.